
From Sifu

From Daughter

From Fellows (1)
- Kim Au
- Ena Chiu
- Gail Caldwell
- Peter Yii
- Nina Sugii
- Judy Chan
- Phoebe Chow
- CM & Lorna To
- May Chow

From Fellows (2)

- Lydia Luk
- Ken & May Kaan
- Peter Cheong
- Alice & Ronald Siao
- John So
- Doris Yip
- Prudence Yip
- Marian Yip
- Teri Heung

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Mr. LIU Shao Peng, a senior member of the Kam To Tai Chi Chuan Association, unfortunately passed away in January 2012. 
All members are in deep grief over his passing at such an early age.  Shao Peng was skilful in Tai Chi chuan and
most courteous to everyone.   Always assisting others in class, he was highly regarded by Sifu and loved by all members. 
This page is a tribute to commemorate Shao Peng as beloved member and friend.

Demo at Aberdeen Centre

最初學習太極拳是因為想學一套強身健體而又適合自己的武術,經過幾年的學習,身體素質有了明顯改變。以前工作一天會感覺腰累精神疲勞,但通過站樁這些問題都沒有了。學拳至今已有十三年,太極拳和錦濤太極拳會已成為我生活的一部份。這些年來通過對太極拳的學習、觀察和思考,體會到它不僅是一種武術,而且更是人生哲理的指導。現在我把太極拳拳理融入到人生裏,對於生活我會以平常心來處之。讓我借用前輩的心得作為我對太極拳的嚮往: 鬆柔慢靜淨空。」

“When I first started practicing Tai Chi chuan, I was just aiming for a martial art with health benefits that would suit me.  After having practiced Tai Chi for a few years, there were remarkable improvements in my physical condition. I used to feel physically and mentally exhausted after a day’s work, but the problem has disappeared after having practiced standing meditation. Thirteen years later, Tai Chi as well as the Kam To Tai Chi Chuan Association have become part of my life.  Through years of learning, observation, and reflection, I truly appreciate Tai Chi not only as a form of martial art, but also as a philosophical guide of life.  I have now integrated the concept and philosophy of Tai Chi into my daily life, and am able to deal with everyday living in a calm and gentle manner.  Let me borrow the experience of Tai Chi masters to express my ultimate target in Tai Chi: Relaxation, Gentleness, Slowness, Peacefulness, Purification and Emptiness.”

- 劉少鵬 Liu Shao Peng (2011)


Saber form Sword form Tai Chi form Saber form

A sincere thank to the Liu family for their support
the following members for their assistance in creating this website:
在此特別感謝劉少鵬家人的支持, 以及下列各同學的協助製作此紀念網頁:

Coonation and Design 統籌和設計: Phoebe Chow
Translations 翻譯: Alice Siao, Marian Yip, May Chow, Phoebe Chow & Saintfield Wong