錦濤太極拳會 Kam To Tai Chi Chuan Association



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The COVID-19 virus spreads worldwide. The B.C. government has declared a provincial state of emergency in mid-March, and everyone must practice social distancing. Since then, Kam To Tai Chi Chuan Association has suspended all the classes.

For the purpose of encouraging and assisting our members to continue with the exercise when staying at home, to maintain an appropriate amount of exercise and to boost the immunity, we have produced six video recordings: the fundamental chi kung and relaxation form (warm up exercise), the 24-relaxation form, and Section 1, 2, 4, 6 of the Yang’s Dual Style Tai Chi Chuan. These exercises are led by Sifu Laurens Lee and senior student Phoebe Chow. Facing the same direction as Sifu and Phoebe did, members can view the videos in sequence and practice together. This will be the same as we are in the classes.  Members can also choose to watch any of these videos for practice in accordance with their needs and schedule. I sincerely hope that all our members can keep up with Tai Chi and practice diligently in this difficult time. Wishing everyone good health and happiness!

新冠肺炎疫情蔓延全球, 卑詩省政府在三月中宣布全省進入緊急狀態, 各人必需保持社交距離, 自此錦濤太極拳會各個太極班暫停上課。

為鼓勵及幫助同學留在家中繼續鍛煉, 以保持適當運動量並增強免疫能力, 我們特別製作了六段視頻, 包括基本氣功鬆身法 (熱身運動)、二十四式鬆身法、及楊式雙架太極拳第一、二、四、六段, 由師傅李錦濤及資深學員鄒崇樂帶領。各同學若面向同一方向, 順序並跟隨練習, 則與日常上課無異。同學也可按自己需要和時間, 選擇適當的視頻觀看和學習。我衷心期望所有同學在這艱難時期仍然勤加練習太極拳, 祝願各位身心康泰!


1. Chi Kung and Relaxation Form 基本氣功鬆身法 (Sifu Laurens Lee 李錦濤師傅)

Chi Kung Relaxation Form


2. 24-Relaxation Form 二十四式鬆身法 (Phoebe Chow 鄒崇樂同學)

24 Relaxation Form


3. Yang's Dual Style Tai Chi Chuan Section One 楊式雙架太極拳第一段 (Sifu Laurens Lee 李錦濤師傅)

Yang's Dual Style Section One


4. Yang's Dual Style Tai Chi Chuan Section Two 楊式雙架太極拳第二段 (Phoebe Chow 鄒崇樂同學)

Yang's Dual Style Section Two


5. Yang's Dual Style Tai Chi Chuan Section Four 楊式雙架太極拳第四段 (Phoebe Chow 鄒崇樂同學)

Yang's Dual Style Section 4


6. Yang's Dual Style Tai Chi Chuan Section Six 楊式雙架太極拳第六段 (Sifu Laurens Lee 李錦濤師傅)

Yang's Dual Style Section Six